Use Case:
Customer surveys
make it clever
October 27 - Online

Online event: Webinar
Touch & Go. - From life. From practice. Short & crisp. Live.
The webinar series from telegra and Sematell.
In our use cases, you will learn how
- customer service processes can be designed efficiently through automation.
- Service experiences can be optimized by taking a holistic view of the channels.
- The processing of text and telephony on one interface makes your employees' work easier.
- You save time and costs and at the same time offer top service quality.
Date: October 27, 2023, 11:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Use Case: Making customer surveys clever: With voice analytics and professional response management.
Contents: In the fourth part of our webinar series, our experts showed how you can support and perfect the collection of customer feedback with voice analytics and clever response management.
This is how you score points with the best service. Maximum efficiency AND customer friendliness.

Alexandra Maybaum, Sematell

Michael Alt, Telegra
You can find the recording of the webinar here: