Touch & Go
May 12 - Online

Online event: Webinar
Touch & Go. - From life. From practice. Short & crisp. Live.
The webinar series from telegra and Sematell.
In our use cases, you will learn how
- customer service processes can be designed efficiently through automation.
- Service experiences can be optimized by taking a holistic view of the channels.
- The processing of text and telephony on one interface makes your employees' work easier.
- You save time and costs and at the same time offer top service quality.
Use Case 3: Tariff changes rethought. And made customer-friendly.
When: May 12, 2023, 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Content: How to change car insurance simply by calling KIT. Thanks to ReplyOne and the CRM interface, there is a tailor-made offer that can be confirmed online with a simple click.
That's how easy it is to make a service-oriented tariff change from call to conclusion. Maximum efficiency AND customer-friendly.

Alexandra Maybaum, Sematell

Michael Alt, Telegra.
You can find the recording of the webinar here: