Call Center Software for Best Customer Experience
When digital means personal
Customer loyalty with AI-based service

What do customers expect from insurance today?
Quite simply, the insurance should be transparent and cost-effective, the conclusion of the policy should be uncomplicated and quick, and in the event of a claim, a contact center employee should be available immediately to provide personal support. And that is exactly what is already possible. For insurers today, customer service means a consistent digital orientation with simultaneously personalized offers for customer communication.
6 tips for your digital transformation
1. take customer experience literally
Off-the-shelf insurance has had its day. And that applies to the policy taken out in the insurance office as well as to the online offer. The future lies in personalized offers that are tailored to individual customer needs. Digital and learning sales and consulting systems are ahead of the game here. This is because they pick up the customer exactly where he or she is at the moment. They give AnsweringWe offer alternatives and develop solutions that correspond to current life circumstances. And that is independent of time and location.
2. show digital proximity
No, the telephone is not a thing of the past. There are many people who appreciate personal advice - especially in the event of a claim. In such a situation, many people are in shock, agitated, and then the customer number can't be found. Someone who listens, reassures and explains is now worth their weight in gold and cannot be replaced by anything. But customers today want to decide for themselves how, when, and via which channel they get in touch with customer service. It could be at the end of a long workday or at 5 a.m. in the morning. Whether it's social media, the Internet or a service center. Show presence, be reachable and, above all, convince your customers with a short response time.
3. bet on WhatsApp
The smartphone is the preferred communication medium for young people in particular, and WhatsApp the most common application. Just sending a photo, video or a short text message is also possible on the side and is therefore so popular. So offer your customers the option of using WhatsApp as well. For younger insurance policyholders in particular, this is an argument in your favor. After all, whether it's insurance damage to household contents, buildings or motor vehicle accidents - reaching for a cell phone camera to document the damage is now a matter of course. And you can take advantage of this. The photos are sent directly to customer service via WhatsApp. Just take a picture and send it off - it couldn't be quicker or easier.
4. create touchpoints
People who are looking for insurance are increasingly finding out about it on the web. This is your chance to get in touch with potential customers. The more service and advice you offer along the customer journey, the more attention you attract. Likeability and visibility are factors that should not be underestimated. They are the cornerstone for trust and customer proximity. As a general rule, integrating as many touchpoints as possible always improves customer interaction. Therefore, use all your communication channels and create contact offers.
5. benefit from automated solutions
Your customer service representatives are far too valuable to spend time changing addresses or account information. Leave these time-consuming tasks to a automated customer service. Instead of struggling with routine tasks, your employees can now focus entirely on individual customer care. Especially in the event of a claim, trust and fast, efficient customer service are crucial. And that's exactly what your employees now have more time for. You can confidently leave the rest to the AI.
6. expand your IT infrastructure
Response management solutions can be easily applied to a existing IT infrastructure set up. You don't need a new application, but can start your digital future immediately. This gives you a decisive competitive advantage. Because with intelligent customer service software, you not only increase the service and efficiency of your customer service, but at the same time have all the options for customer interaction.
How simple can good customer service be?
It's easy!